Wednesday, January 11, 2012

hard weeks work..

Yea for 4G!  it started late last week and is still going strong!  it used to take between 10-20 minutes to add one picture on the blog, now it takes less than 2 minutes!

our supervisor had been off for two weeks, so we knew he had a lot of emails etc.. to catch up on so we headed out to clean some trails.  One of our bigger trails had water on it, the water pipes from the River to the ponds run right under it.  we went out to make some grooves so the water would drain off of the road. 

in the afternoon we (Eric) helped move some more of the alligator gar out of a pond..

Not too much different on Tuesday. we did see a Javalina in person, kind of close..  but I was too slow taking off my gloves, getting the camera out of the case, aiming and shooting.. so no picture.

Javelina are members of the peccary family. There are actually three species of peccaries that range from the Southwestern United States south to central South America. The only species found in the United States is the collared peccary, or javelina. In Texas, the javelina is found in the more arid or semi-arid parts of the state, with most occurring in the South Texas brush country, the Trans-Pecos' desert grasslands, and the Edwards Plateau's oak-juniper woodlands.
File:Collared peccary02 - melbourne zoo.jpg

made chicken in the crock pot for dinner..  smells and tasted sooo good.

pretty uneventful last day of the work week.  although I did see a Bobcat (a live one) on the path about 20 feet from me. of course it took off.  Eric was on another path so did not get to see it. 

we took pictures of an animal on a log in the lake.  we assume it was dead..  (new theme emerging here, dead animals).  can't tell what it is, hopefully we can find out next week.

they don't have beavers here, our first guess.

went to Dairy Queen for a treat.  we got a $10 gift card from the White Elephant in Dec. 

80 deg today suppose to be 60 with high winds tomorrow.. our day off!!

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