Sunday, January 29, 2012

another weekend in paradise!

the weather cooled down a bit, and the humidity went way down..  we spent Thurs packing for our trip west.  Lunch at

we began with salsas and beans..

I had both Cabrito and Steak..

the cabrito was a bit greasy for my taste but was good.. the white meat almost tasted like.... chicken!  the steak was good too, again a bit greasy for me.

Eric had the cabrito tacos..  very good..

What is Cabrito??  
Cabrito is a dish made from a young kid goat. Traditionally, cabrito is roasted, although the term is sometimes more generally used to refer to any dish with kid goat, ranging from stewed cabrito to grilled cabrito. This dish is widely eaten in Latin America, and it is also common in Texas and several other parts of the American Southwest, thanks to the heavy influence of Latin American cuisine on the food of this region.
Generally, the kid used to make cabrito is between one and three months of age, when it is especially young and tender. Even when young, however, goats have dark, gamy meat, which does best with a very slow cooking preparation which tenderizes the meat while bringing out the flavor. Traditional roast cabrito fits this requirement quite nicely, which may explain why it has become such a popular dish in Latin America.
Monterrey, Mexico, is generally viewed as the world headquarters of cabrito, and many restaurants prepare their cabrito “Monterrey Style.” There are actually several traditional ways to make roast cabrito; one of the most common ways to make this dish is to roast a whole kid on a spit over a slow-burning charcoal fire, turning it frequently and basting well to enhance the flavor.

this could be a repeat place..  not sure if that will happen as we still have lots to eat before we head north..

Friday we got up early and headed to Rio Grande City for a tour. 

it took about 90  minutes to see everything.  all of the buildings that are left standing are about 150 years old.  some have been restored.

this is the house that Robert E Lee lived in..

Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto gets a lot of visitors through the year.

beautiful flowers..

how about this for an outdoor kitchen.. a bit rustic and needs work but good ideas..

Rio Grande from Roma Bluffs..  across is Mexico..

getting hungry.. 

ate too fast to take pictures.. but the food was wonderful, enchilada suizas for me and taco, enchilada and tostada for Eric..  the salsas were a bit hot for me but oh so good..

next we headed to our home for the next two days at Falcon State Park.

we rented a shelter with amenities...

pretty plain but all we need.. 

Fishing on the river.

looks like Kathy caught one...  a tilapia!!  heavy one, bent my hook!

Actually had a campfire!  its been over 2 months since we were able to have one.

Saturday: Eric heating water for coffee...

went for a hike around the park, identified a few birds we have not seen yet.. beautiful flowers.. 

Lunch at the campsite...

after lunch the clouds and some rain came in.  we headed to a wild life refuge where the volunteers feed the birds, and welcome people to sit and watch, take pictures and learn all about the birds.  they are right near the river, not sure if we would stay there!

the border patrol came down to the river (where we parked) to check out this van..  not sure what to make of it (but we were very suspious!)...

Jiffy Pop on the campfire..

was able to get WOJB on the computer for Honky Tonk!  great night around the campfire.

Sunday we got ready to head back to Alamo,  cocktail party at 5:00!  to say good bye to some and Hello to others..

party plate..

about 30 people showed up, about 5 couples from Wis and one from Minn!


a fun filled weekend.   the weather could have been better. but who are we to complain!  not complaining just commeting.

work again tomorrow and Tues.  canoe ride on Wed then work again on Thurs..

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