Thursday, February 16, 2012

week of Feb 12th

Went for brunch with friends on Sunday.  It was good but not a repeat..  of course it rained all day on Sunday.  grocery shopping was the highlight of the day.  we did get salmon patties for dinner that Eric grilled and they were very yummy.  I am not a salmon fan but mine was mixed with Gorgonzola cheese and dried cranberries and Eric's had jalapenos and spices.  should have taken a picture, they looked beautiful and tasted wonderful..  these have the possibilities of being repeats!

Monday the rain stopped but the ground was so saturated that we only cleaned the paved trails.  but we had our first campfire that night.  about 12 volunteers showed up.  it was fun to talk with everyone.

we bought the barrel last week for $7 at the flea market.  Mike had it cut down to size, it was wonderful to have a fire.

Tuesday we stayed at the campground and worked on refurbishing a memorial pond.

I did not take a pic before we started to work..

lets put water in and see what happens..

lets try the pump!

lets put the rocks back..

the husband of the volunteer that this memorial is due to come here on Friday.  it's amazing what 5 volunteers (old people) can do when they work together!

Wednesday we went scouting for a canoe route again.  this time there was just 4 of us.  the wind was pretty high so we (including me) had to paddle the entire route.

beautiful homes along the water way.

the sun did come out on our way back to our put in point, it got hot and was very humid!! 

a good work week, every day a different chore and we got to work with different people!

love this job!

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