Saturday, March 17, 2012

San Antonio Day Three

Breakfast was not as crowded, lots of the kiddies left for home..  We headed south on the expanded River Walk.  a Lock and Dam!  who would have thought?

this is the very quiet part of the River Walk..  the river is still green!

Beautiful homes in the King William area...

Church for sale..  looks very nice from the outside..

back to the downtown area,  the courthouse..

our next stop is the Old Spanish Governor's house.  we could not find it yesterday.

beautiful place and well worth the time and money..

my camera ran out of juice so I could not take any more pictures.

we headed back to the hotel to recharge then off again.  we stopped at St Joseph's church before the wreath laying ceremony at The Alamo..

time for a Green Beer!

time for a light lunch..  ceaser salad and pizza..

time for a rest.. we headed back to the hotel pool area. this time there was 10 college aged girls, having fun... but the children came back after we were there for about 80 minutes... time to leave..

time to go to the river for the parade anyway..

we headed back to Market Place to join the Tejano Music fest but it was WAY too crowded.  we left there after 5 minutes, went to an Italian restaurant bar for a wonderful antipasto appetizer and a few beers before heading back to the hotel. 

another wonderful day in San Antonio.  If it had not been for the wreath laying at the Alamo and the parade we would have taken the truck to other sites not close enough to walk to.  maybe next time.

we leave tomorrow to go back to Alamo.  6 more day of work...  time is flying..

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