Thursday, March 8, 2012

Warm Work Week

this was a warm work week. the sun was out most of the time, the wind was blowing and the temps were about 80 deg.  Lots of butterflies are coming through the refuge.  it is hard to get pictures as they move too much.

this tree had 6 butterflies on it before I took the picture:

Eric installed a bench that had been sitting right on the ground.  it was too high for some people to sit on and it was a bit wobbly.

there were a lot of trees down from the wind over the weekend and throughout the week.  we were able to remove all of them, did not have to call the fire crew in with chain saws.

we are planning a public canoe trip next Wed.  There were some canoes that have backs on them and are a lot lighter, so we transferred them to our trailer.  that was pretty hard work, we need to lift more weights this summer.  Eric is thinking we need to carry our canoes around the yard 3 times a week.  I'll lift weights, he can carry the canoe!

we went back to the reveg area to weed!  not a fun job but someone has to do it.  we only lasted 2 hours.  too hot and humid.  next to our area is a palm tree farm.  they had uprooted them last week and put them on the truck yesterday.

a lot of the birds and ducks are leaving the area, heading north.  a lot of winter Texans will be leaving soon too!  we leave here in 3 weeks! 

High winds last night and today.  means cold weather is coming.  87 today, 65 and falling temps tomorrow! 

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