Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas party etc..

we went to the Christmas party at the visitor center in Santa Ana on Thursday.  too much food...

everything was fabulous..  they had a "White Elephant" gift exchange.  about 20 people participated.  it was pretty fun.  we brought maple syrup and blackberry jam..  a very big hit..  it got traded multiple times.  we ended up with a $10 gift card for dairy queen!  we were happy, did not want anything that was not consumable.. 

went to a local shopping center for a walk.  it was huge!  one of the biggest we have been in since MOA.  We took an escalator.  it has been a long time since we have been on one.. we are thinking more than a year!  it was pretty weird.. 

hot and humid so we had to put the a/c on to sleep.

woke up on Friday to a cold front..  high 50's, cloudy and a little mist.  Headed out to see Sherlock Holmes in Mission.  on the way we stopped at Cavenders to look at cowboy boots.  seen some that might work and actually tried on a few pair.  so many decisions, pointy toe, semi square, square or round toe??  I am looking at semi square right now.  then the height short, mid or long?  I am looking at mid but need to confirm that mid will not chaff my calf!  Of course the most important (besides comfort and fit) color and decoration...  brown, black, blue, green, red etc...on the shoe part then the color of the top part has more options..  might take a bit before I find a pair.  Not sure if I have jeans that will fit over the boots so.....  new jeans might be on the list too.

We thought Sherlock Holmes was good.  Eric liked it better than the first one. We went to a Carmike theater.  this one does not give refills on large popcorn! I like my popcorn and I like to take a bucket home...  although the popcorn was very good (all the way to the bottom) we will try a differnt theater next time.  need to find free refills!

this is our business card...
      La Casita En El Camino (Little House on the Road)
Eric and Kathy  Birchwood Wisconsin

we have only given out a few of them so far.. the pic is from last year.  I did not put our cell phone or home address like most do... 


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