Saturday, December 3, 2011

work day 2

we headed in to work at 7:50 this morning..  we like early starts..

on the way the crop duster was hard at work..

here we are at the beginning of our day.. in our new shirts..

we need these garbage cans in Wis.. don't know of any bears here in TX!

Eric working hard...

clouds coming in.. but we keep working..  it did drizzle a bit a couple of times

Some trees are too big and beyond our pay grade.. 

We will call in the chain saw gang..

There was a going away party for one of the guys so we went back to the center for pizza and cake. 
Since our job description is trail maintenance and other..  our afternoon chore was to clean out two RV trailers.  They have some researchers coming in and the last people left one of them a mess..   We are pretty good at cleaning so no problem..  I took the kitchen and Eric took the rest of the place.

After that is was time for a cold beer and a hot shower! 

We have the weekend off and plan on working Mon-Wed.  temps here are still pretty warm, 80+ today but it is suppose to cool down to the upper 50's by Tuesday. good working weather.

So far we have only seen two Indigo snakes and an armadillo.  we need to work a bit on our birds, we can identify a Chacalaca and green Jay but that is about it!

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