Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quiet weekend

after moving for over a month we took the weekend to rest.  we unpacked and kind of got organized. we were suppose to be in a local parade on Saturday night but the tram broke down! 

the weather was unseasonably hot, 85 and windy.  it seems like the wind is strong every day.  not sure if that is normal or is it just the season.  we did try to go for a bike ride on Sunday.  going out was ok, but coming back, I had to walk my bike for a bit as the wind was beating me up! 

made a wonderful pasta dinner with the sausage and sauce we got in Oklahoma.  the sausage was the best ever, a bit spicy for me but the flavor was wonderful.  Don't think there was any lamb fries in the sausage.....

the weather changed on Sunday night.  we went to bed with the windows all open, temp about 75.  woke up on Monday morning to a cool breeze and temp at 57!  had to close all the windows and put the heat on!!   It is suppose to be cool all week. good for working in the refuge.

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