Sunday, November 20, 2011

Choke Canyon State Park

Phone and internet do not work at Choke Canyon State Park which is about 85 miles south of San Antonio.   So this note is a few days late.

Choke Canyon:  I am going to say we finally made it to South Texas.  The northern part but technically South Texas.  Our park is beautiful , our site is right on the water..  with a covered shelter.. 

we tried fishing no bites except on my arm.. my first insect bite!  Seen a couple of armadillos, American coots, egrets, blue herons, cormorants ,  Green Jay, Ani, butterflies and a Crested Caracara!

   This area starts the birding, over 620 species of birds here in Texas.  There are 40 that are only found here.  Hopefully we will see most of them in the next 4 months.  We are thinking that the Ani is one of the 40 but again need to investigate.

We went into town for dinner at a local place, good food.  Burning ban still on here in South Texas, so no campfires. There was a beautiful breeze off of the water at night.   Lots of deer, they are not shy of people so we can get pretty close before they bolt.

Sat Nov 19: had the windows open all night with a wonderful breeze coming in, felt like heaven!  We did not hear anything at night, but our neighbors had their food raided by raccoons and they said they seen 3 feral pigs!!  Got to go pig hunting…    Today is a rest day (translation No Driving) as the next 11 days are going to be hectic..  After a 2 mile run we took a 4 mile hike through the park.  We did not see any feral pigs but suspect we seen their waste!  It was cloudy with a slight breeze as we walked.  But at the end of our journey the sun came out.  We decided to try fishing again.  This lake is suppose to be the best fishing lake in Texas!  Somehow Eric lost his line and lure??  Not sure how that happened. 

 I caught a rough fish?  Not sure what it was yet..  it was about 16 inches and weighed at least 5 lbs.  very dense fish.  We need to investigate..  

 It got to 95 by 4:00 pm!  Hope this is not “normal” temperatures.  We did take a quick ride to the dam.   Then settled in for burgers,  Wis taters with Wi onions on the grill and Mexican and Texan beer…

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